Morgan Green

Collection Title: Make Light
Hometown: Greenville, North Carolina
Morgan grew up in Greenville, North Carolina, surrounded by a close-knit family who always encouraged her to follow her own path. She loves to read, travel, bike, and spend time on the water. She never set out to become a textile designer, but always wanted to pursue a career that would allow her to be creative. Completing her Bachelor of Science Degree in Fashion and Textile Design at the Wilson College of Textiles has been one of the most challenging, inspiring, and enlightening experiences that a designer could ask for. She looks forward to entering the ever-changing textile industry this summer when she will begin working as a textile designer for Glen Raven Mills in Burlington, North Carolina.
Collection Description: Make Light is a home interior textile line that explores the way that light can change the way the world looks depending on the time of day. Light influences the palette we see, the patterns we notice, and the mood of the space around us. These three sub-collections, Dawn, Dusk and Twilight, aim to embody each of these atmospheres created by light and nature, bringing the outdoors into the home in seamless transition.