Rang Li

Hometown: China
Collection Title: Double-faced
Rang Li is a senior graduate student at NCSU in the Wilson College of Textiles and plans to graduate in May of 2019. She obtained her Bachelor degree of Fashion and Apparel Design at Jiangnan University in China in June 2018. Rang has loved drawing since she was a child, and has aspired to become a fashion designer since she was in high school. Through all the hard work she has put into fulfilling her dream, she now has the capability to be a professional fashion designer. She hopes that people appreciate and are inspired by her designs.
Collection Description:
Double-faced is a collection aimed to show a kind of attitude. Everyone has two faces: one stands for the other people, which means how you treat the world; and the second face is personal, just for yourself and hidden to others. Because of this, people all have double standards to face the world. Some believe that this is false, but I think that what is human nature is: contradiction but unity. Every design in this collection has totally different front and back sides, which symbolizes the double faces of people.
Email: rli19@ncsu.edu