Cindy Wang

Hometown: Taipei, Taiwan
Collection Title: Alpha Lyrae
Cindy was born in Taipei, Taiwan. At the age of 14, she moved to Raleigh, NC. Cindy started to love drawing when she was still a little girl. She won her very first award in art when she was 6 years-old. Through this contest, she realized that it wasnt about the winning of a contest, it was about expressing herself through art and following her heart. Throughout her undergraduate career at the Wilson College of Textiles, Cindy’s work has been displayed in the Threads 2014 Pre-show, as well as the Threads 2016 show, where she showcased her collection as a designer. Her love for design still growing. As much as she is passionate with design, she believed having knowledge of fashion marketing is as equally important to being a successful designer in the fashion industry. Currently, Cindy is a graduate student at NCSU, and will graduate in the Summer of 2019 with a master’s degree in Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management.
Collection Description:
Alpha Lyrae is inspired by the summer night sky, particularly The Summer Triangle. The Summer Triangle appears virtually overhead around midnight during summer nights; it is made up of the three brightest stars from three different constellations: Altair from Aquila, Deneb from Cygnus, and Vega from Lyra. Alpha Lyrae is a swimwear collection designed for the young female who loves to dress pretty at the beach. While having fun at the beach on a sunny day, do not forget how beautiful the summer sky is.