Jiyoung Lee

Designer: Jiyoung Lee
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Email: jlee50@ncsu.edu
Collection Title: Soigné
Born and raised in Seoul, South Korea, Jiyoung always has passion of experience in arts and fashion in different countries. Ever since she was a little girl, she loved going to art museums and watching musicals. She was mesmerized by everything from the paintings and sculptures to the music and costumes. The arts and music that she has experienced made her today as a designer. To pursue her dreams, she always wanted to travel around the world and broaden her view of her artistic taste. Currently, she wanders different cities around the world and captures every moment of her travel life by camera that inspires her passion in fashion.
Collection Description
“La simplicité est la clé de toute véritable élégance « -Coco Chanel
« Soigné » is a French word meaning carefully and elegantly done, operated, or designed. Elegance can be interpreted differently by each individual. Her interpretation of elegance was virtue of emptiness which leads to minimalism. Ever since she started to be in the fashion field, she seeks for minimalism. The Soigné is inspired by the quote from Coco Chanel “Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.” The collection has masculine silhouettes and shows the image of the independent and strong but elegant women.