Maggie Bickel

Hometown: Huntersville, NC
Collection Title: Metamorphosis
Maggie loved to draw from early childhood and started to draw clothing at the age of 9. She fell in love with sewing in high school and dreamed of designing and creating fashion. After attending a Wilson College of Textiles open house during her senior year of high school, there was no turning back, textiles was what Maggie wanted to pursue. Four years later, Maggie is honored to be a Threads designer. Maggie enjoys not only creating garments and patterns but also fabric. She designed all of the prints seen in her collection.
Collection: Maggie’s collection is a line of clothing for young girls with a strong sense of fashion. Between the ages of 5 and 9, many young girls develop their own sense of fashion, but much of the clothing offered to them is designed more for teenagers and is not age appropriate. Maggie wants to create a line that allows young girls to express themselves with bright colors sparkles without dressing like a teenager. Maggie was inspired by butterflies and the energetic spirit of young girls in this collection. The colors and motifs in this collection are reminiscent of butterflies.