Abby Van Horn

Hometown: Mint Hill, NC
Collection Title: Stillness
From a young age, fashion and textile design was quite an obvious career path for Abigail as she would turn anything she could get her hands on (including but not limited to blankets, sheets, her mother’s clothes) and drape them into a dress for her latest “fashion show.” One of her fondest memories is spending hours sitting on her Nana’s lap, mesmerized by her sewing machine and the magical garments that seemed to just appear. Throughout her schooling, she was enrolled in every art class she was allowed to take from kindergarten to AP Art her senior year of High School as well as Housing and Interiors. While in high school, she attended the Summer Textile Exploration Program at North Carolina State University and found her true passion in Textile Design. Abigail loves designing products for the home, playing with color and would rather spend her days hand weaving or knitting. After graduation, she plans to pursue a career in either home or textile design in the city that never sleeps, New York City and have a hand loom instead of a dining room table.
Collection: Stillness is a home collection inspired by the beauty of subtle texture and comfort. In our world of technology, anything can be accomplished from bed: shopping, working, designing, Netflix marathons, etc. A bed can be a safe haven, a place of laughter and smiles, breakfast in bed, a warm hug to protect the winter chills or sleeping in on a Saturday morning. Through the mix of hand and industrial techniques and the use of soft textures, Stillness translates this comfort and allows you to settle in for a while.